Low Impact & High Vibes: A Guide to Feel-Good Workouts

Low-impact exercises are the unsung heroes of the fitness world - they're kind to your knees, easy on your back, and perfect for getting you moving on the days you feel less than motivated.

I know what you might be thinking. Low impact? Does that mean low results? And the answer is absolutely not. This blog post will show you exactly what makes low impact workouts your BFF when it comes to your fitness routine. 

Joint love

Low impact workouts are not only kind on your joints but are also the perfect component in your fitness routine particularly if you’re into more higher impact exercise like HIIT, CrossFit, running, etc. With a protective focus on your joints these classes will help to keep you injury free while you explore a fitness routine full of variety! 

Sustainable Fitness

If you’re looking to start building a fitness routine with longevity then you’ve landed in the right place. Working out in a way that supports you through all stages of your life from pregnancy to postnatal recovery, menopause and beyond, low impact workouts are one of the best things you can do to support your physical and mental health.

Something for everyone 

Whether you’re a seasoned fitness enthusiast or just at the start of your wellness journey, low impact workouts can be the perfect level of challenge for everyone. With endless options to modify or progress sequences, you can dial up or down your sessions to suit you on any given day.

Feel good endorphins

Low impact doesn’t mean low vibes. Just like any good dose of movement, low impact workouts release endorphins, lifting your spirits and leaving you feeling less stressed.

Mind-body connection

With their slightly slower pace, low impact workouts give you the time and headspace to focus on connecting with your body. You will be amazed at how much stronger you feel when you take the time to connect with your body in this way when you workout.

With their sustainability and adaptability, low impact workouts are the best way you can foster a long term relationship with fitness.

Get started today with The Barre Coach Online Studio.


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