Finding Your Motivation: Hacks to Amp Up Your At-Home Barre Workout!

We’re only human and we can’t expect to be 100% motivated at all times, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep progressing and prioritising consistency. Here’s how we’re going to get through those motivation dips together;

Create a vibey workout space

Transform a corner into your Barre haven! Making things as cute as possible is my forté when it comes to setting up my workout space. My dumbbells are baby pink, my resistance bands are peach, my Barre is gold, my sliders are a gorgeous teal colour and my mat is dusty pink. Stick a vibey playlist alongside that mixture and you’ve got yourself a gorgeous at-home studio!

Dress for Barre Success

Get your workout gear on early! If you’re WFH and don’t have any important meetings then I’d have my leggings on all day. Dressing for the workout primes your mind and gets you mentally prepared for the session ahead. Plus, who doesn’t feel like a Barre superstar in their favourite leggings?

Mix Up Your Routine

Variety should be the spice of your Barre life! Our January challenge is the perfect blend of pure Barre classes, cardio-infused sessions, targeted muscle group work and gorgeous, stretchy movement. Keeping things fresh and exciting is what keeps you coming back for more and I can almost guarantee you’ll never clock watch during one of our workouts. 

Lean on your Barre BFF

This month is all about getting through the challenge with a united front. Your plié-partner is there for the days your motivation is lacking so lean on her and let her know when you need a little extra support to stay on track.

Find the music that will get you in the mood

Finally, don’t underestimate the power of a good playlist to get you back in the groove. There are so many fab workout playlists on Spotify and you can find my specifically curated Barre ones here.

The Barre Coach Online Studio has been built to help you find joy in a consistent workout routine. Let’s find ways of staying consistent that feel fun and engaging and you’ll start to see your motivation mojo reach new heights!


Barre Goals: 5 ways you can set yourself up for longevity


Reach New Heights: 7 progression tips to get the most out of your home workouts